Read news articles covering Bitsight, the leader in security ratings. We're proud to be featured in these leading business & technology publications, journals, blogs, and broadcasts.
In The News

Jake Olcott, Bitsight vice president of Communications and Government Affairs, discusses how temporary hospitals can lack necessary security to keep hackers from targeting them. Read more.

Bitsight announced several new, innovative capabilities for Third-Party Risk Management. The enhanced platform will help organizations achieve greater operational efficiency. Read more.

Luis Grangeia, Bitsight senior security researcher, discusses how Bitsight has observed 250,000 systems that are potentially vulnerable. Read more.

Jake Olcott, Bitsight's vice president of communications and government affairs, discusses how CISOs must consider all of the necessary steps to manage cyber risk in what could be the "new normal". Read more.

Stephen Boyer, Bitsight's co-founder and CTO, speaks about new challenges to patching in a work-at home world. Read more.

Stephen Boyer, Bitsight's co-founder and CTO, discusses how a business's cyber-insurance security score could determine its cyber-insurance premium or whether a larger client will work with a firm. Read more.

Tom Montroy, director of data science at Bitsight, discusses how in 2019 Bitsight recorded 2.5 times more ransomwear events than in 2018, a 70% increase. Read more.

Samit Shah, director of insurance programs and partnerships at Bitsight, discusses the difficulty insurers face when trying to assess cyber risk. Read More.

Steve Harvey, Bitsight's CEO, shares his thoughts on what the future of business will look like after the pandemic. Read more.

Stephen Boyer, Bitsight's co-founder and CTO, discusses the difficulty of having employees working on networks that aren't managed and controlled by a corporation anymore. Read More.

Bitsight highlights reasons for increased risks at home by comparing home and remote office networks to the corporate networks employed by more than 41,000 organizations in the U.S. Read More.

According to Bitsight, shift to telework due to COVID-19 has raised the risk of exposing home networks now used for business. Read More.

Jake Olcott, Bitsight's vice president of communications and government affairs, discusses the recent Maze ransomware attack at Cognizant. Read more.

A Politico newsletter included Bitsight's research on how work from home and remote office networks are dramatically more likely to host malware. Read more.

Threatpost talks to Dan Dahlberg, director of security research at Bitsight, to discuss new research that looks at the bevy of threats remote workers face. Read More.