Learn how to build a successful third-party risk management (TPRM) program in the Financial Services industry.
Today, companies in the Financial Services industry (as well as their third-party suppliers) are the most targeted organizations when it comes to cyber attacks. These businesses need to assess and continuously monitor their own security posture as well as thousands of third and fourth parties with access to sensitive data. In fact, a 2017 Bitsight study found that a significant security performance gap exists between these Finance firms and companies in their supply chain.
In this webinar, Nurah Muhamad, Manager of CSM at Bitsight, discusses the key elements to building a successful third-party risk management program in the Financial Services industry today. This webinar covers:
- How to establish a mature TPRM program based on best practices.
- The challenges that Finance organizations face when scaling their number of third parties to meet business demands.
- The critical role that automation and security ratings play in establishing a definite action plan and timeline to mitigate third-party risk.
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